Greetings to you and yours! I guess i will start off with a big ole "Happy Birthday" to me. As most of you know yesterday was my birthday and the ole "2-6" is now behind me. It was a good day really. I was scheduled to work for Dr. Webb on Monday but the beautiful weather slowed the world down and I was able to leave early around 2pm. I spent most of the rest of the day frolicking outside and soaking up the sun. Me and my lovely bride were then off to supper for my birthday meal. This past weekend we spent a few days in Nashville and had a few really nice meals so we decided to go simple and hit the El Tap. Tara treated me with a great relaxing back massage as we chuckled to Jay Leno. Today was a great day as well. I was off and enjoyed sleeping late till about 10am. The rest of my day was spent making the final preparations for Heady National Golf Club grand opening. All of the grounds were mowed and trimmed today. The course has been taking shape for the last few days but has officially hit its peak playing conditions. Some will say its just a flag,an open field, and a little boys dreams but I want to urge you that its so much more than that. I have just spoke with the marketing department and the Brochures are ready to be sent out. Please feel free to check it out at the link below. The quality has been lowered for internet viewing purposes. Feel free to drive by and tour the grounds. If you would like a higher quality brochure just let me know.
We are currently experiencing some tecnhical difficulties with the link going to our brochure. It should be two pages but only the first page is showing up so we will continue to get these things worked out. thanks.
Pretty good Cam. I am soooo not from NY...and certainly not from that "special" city!
I was wondering if there are any big tournaments in the works at HNGC? Maybe a celebrity pro/am or a Nationwide tour event? That's when you have really arrived...
Dear Mr. Heady:
Congratulations on the grand opening of Heady National Golf Club. I feel indeed honored to be included on your brochure as I do consider myself a charter member of HNGC. You and your staff have done a remarkable job.
You may recall that your lovely wife, whom I happen to know is also from North Carolina, gave me a tour of your facilities in it's very early stage of development. She even allowed me to take a few chip shots on the future course and having taken up golf late in life, you might so they were less than perfect. But your wife was very gracious in not making me feel like a complete idiot and I really appreciate that and am looking forward to playing a round on your challenging course.
I also compliment you in the design by taking advantage of the existing landscape(I managed to hit a tree) and with it's breathtaking beauty it's easy to draw comparisons(particularly the 1 on the flag) with other famous courses such as Augusta National.
News about HNGC is spreading quickly in the Carolina's so I would like go ahead and reserve your cottage for a party of one checking in the afternoon of May 9th with departure on the morning of the 11th. I'm flexible on tee times.
Again, superb job and if you would be so kind as to allow me to make a couple of suggestions: the majority of golfers from the Carolina's require a steady supply of Cheerwine soft drink to stay hydrated and in peak condition and also you might include in your brochure the nearest available airport for corporate jets with at least 5000 feet of runway.
Looking forward to seeing you and your lovely wife soon,
Gene Whittaker
Mocksville, N.C.
I guess Heady National course must be consuming alot of your time. No blog in over a month.
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