Well tonight was Abby's official celebration for being on this earth for the big 1 year. 365 days. Time really is a funny concept to try and put your mind around. One year seems so long but it always seems to vanish like a ninja right before our eyes. Anytime i start to think about time and contemplating the cosmos I usually end up getting wigged out and my eyes glaze over. With an estimated life expectancy of around ~70 years just for example. Abby has a little over 25,000 chances to see the sun rise and set again. Thats a large number but by my calculations i have 9,482 of those days already in my personal history bank. So i have to ask myself...What have i done/accomplished in those days? What do i spend all my time doing? Well I'm not gonna go in depth about how our days here on earth are numbered but as we celebrate such a sweet innocent young life maybe you can take a personal inventory of your "days" calculator. In that I'm sure you will see what you really hold important. So as long as Your Sun shines tomorrow you always have a chance to do something special. I have posted all of my pictures from tonights party on our flicker page. Please go check them out and if you want a better quality of one just let me know. check them out here
1 comment:
Hey thanks for posting the pix of the party. Looks like fun. I would like to see some CSI type photos of the squirrels meeting the pumpmaster though. And maybe an email of some of Tara's basketball shots too. Good to see the blog world is alive and well. Drove by Judy's today, thought about you guys. As far as our days being numbered... live everyday like it was your last. This from a guy with less remaining than lived on this old ball of dirt. It's like a vapor the bible tells us. Then my eyes really glaze over as I try to understand the length of eternity, of which there is no length since it cannot be measured, just like the love of God.
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