For a long time i have been trying to pull the trigger on buying a neat little gun for recreational shooting. I have spent many hours looking on the net and reading reviews. Many times i just came back to the one that looked cool. I guess my gun passion has been sparked even more the last few weeks since I will now be able to carry my gun basically where ever i want. Sunday we loaded up and headed to Opry mills in Nashville for a long and grueling day of Christmas shopping. We walked around the mall like 17 times and finally made our last stop in Bass Pro Shop. I had actually been there earlier in the day and drooled over most of the guns. I was looking for a little bit larger caliber gun that would be a potential carry size gun to leave in my car if i ever needed or if I was actually walking down a shady street one that wouldn't pull my pants down its so heavy. I initially started looking at a few springfield armory ,taurus , and Smith/Wesson pistols. As i was looking a voice from the heavens came saying "go with the springfield" (well actually just a nice guy from KY but he sure did know guns) Then my friend "Corky" came along who was the head dude at Bass pro shop. Corky was a rather large man but had a gun sized heart of gold. He began talking with me about different calibers and differnt guns that he liked. I asked him just for fun to let me hold the Walther P22 .22LR caliber pistol. Needless to say it was love at first sight and touch. The one i had read so much about was finally coming home with me. I decided to go with the .22LR for now since it was more economical to shoot and it is small enough that Tara can shoot comfortably. Maybe down the road I will jump to the next level but fun of shooting ranked at the end of the day. The process was really easy and after a 15 min background check I was on my way home with my new gun. Flash forward to today and I actually got to shoot the gun. The anticipations were high and in the end i was not disappointed. Initially I was a little concerned because one particualar brand of shells we had it did not seem to like them but the other two brands it shot with out a flaw. Its so light and easy to shoot. We shot thru about 200 rounds of ammo in about 20 minutes. I have attached a video just for fun of the new gun in action. Get your stop watches out.... I have clocked it at about 10 shots in 1.8-2.0 seconds. Pretty darn fun. The video is not great since its on a cell phone but you will get the idea.
1 comment:
Are you out helping Bignate find his way home? You kids have both been gone for a long while. :)
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