Season Greetings to all you readers out in blog land. Everything has been really good since my last blog. (sorry its taken me so long to get another exciting adventure published). I'm just now starting to come out of my turkey coma but i would do it all again in a heart beat. Unfortunately if i keep doing the fried turkey deal I probably won't have many heart beats left. Since our last blog we have spent a weekend with the youth from church at the annual Big House. It was a great weekend just to get away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. Our latest adventure has led us to choosing our first Christmas tree together which will hopefully become a tradition that we can experience with our family for many years to come or until we have a child who is deathly allergic to pine trees. Growing up I never developed the love for a real tree inside, rather me and ryan developed a love for a tree that had so many parts that you had to have a algebraic formula to get it put together. It was one of those artificial trees that had separate branches for each level that were color coated for assembly purposes. By year 30, most of the paint was gone and that made putting up the ole tree that much more fun. Christmas time around the Heady home was always full of traditions. The Don had a specific place for each decoration that was never a millimeter off from year to year. Ryan and I over the years developed somewhat of a "tree narrative" with our Tree ornaments in which they were placed at strategic points on the tree to act out a little story or had just developed sentimental value to us over the years. Some how thru all those years decorating the Heady Home tree we always ended up watching Home Alone as it was usually shown the weekend after

Thanksgiving. As time moves on and we grow older all those traditions have slipped into memories that I will cherish forever. I'm excited about the new Christmas traditions that will be born over the years with 2007 being the first chapter of mine and Tara's story. I hope some day that our kids will be sitting at their hologram blogger talking about how many strands of lights ole Dad always managed to throw up on the chosen tree and smile when they think of all their silly Christmas traditions. I guess the cool Christmas tree thing of the year is a time lapsed photography of the tree going up. Well we don't do that sort of thing around these parts so I will give you a still shot of our tree so far. She's a beauty even though she is not totally decorated. If your interested in the time lapsed photography or just confused about how the whole Christmas tree assembly process... please check out rhino or bignates blog.
Welcome Solomon Jacob Whittaker!!!!!!This past week we had a new addition to the family. Tara's brother and sister-in-law welcomed Solomon Jacob into this crazy world. He was born on November 28 around 5 pm. He weighed 5 lbs. 13 oz. and was 19 inches long. Solomon came a little earlier than expected (3 weeks), but all is well with baby and mommy. Scott and Julia are adjusting well to having a little one in the house. We are looking forward to seeing Solomon at Christmas when we visit NC. Isn't he the cutest baby boy you have ever seen!!! (Aunt Tara).
Well I hope you have enjoyed this extended version of blogging. Check back to our flicker page in the next few days for pics from the Turkey Shoot fest, Big House and our recent Tree adventure.
i remember one tragic year when the tree was knocked down after its assembly. she was never really the same again. Starting too look like the charlie brown tree, but she's still in use.
Congrats on the addition of a great looking nephew.
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