Monday, December 24, 2007
Christmas EVE Gift!!!
Merry Christmas and Christmas Eve Gift!!! I hope everyone is having a wonderful Christmas season so far. As i write i sit in NC at Tara's dads house where we are soon going to be exchanging gifts and sharing the Christmas excitement together. This year brings a season of change for me personally, this will be the first year ever really that i will have not been at Papa and Nanny's on Christmas Eve. All of my most cherished Christmas memories are there and its weird knowing that I will not be there for tonights activities. The annual UNO game, Little Pigs in a blanket and last years new addition of the Chocolate fountain that was big hit. Those are times and memories that will stay with me forever. Hopefully, If the good Lord is willing me and Tara will at least make it to sleep and wake up at Nanny's house for some good Christmas morning grub. Well, I guess i'm off to enjoy a warm NC Christmas Eve with the family. And since i will not post again before Christmas.... I will go ahead and send you My CHRISTMAS GIFT!! If your not apart of our family that may not make alot of sense but ask us sometime about our Christmas family tradition game that we always play. Merry Christmas to All!
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Pretty Lights and Sore Feet!
I pray that God continues to bless each of you as we draw closer to Christmas and that we don't get blinded by all the pretty lights and big gifts and lose sight of the Birth Of Our Savior Jesus.
Thursday, December 6, 2007
Christmas Tree Adventures!!!

This past week we had a new addition to the family. Tara's brother and sister-in-law welcomed Solomon Jacob into this crazy world. He was born on November 28 around 5 pm. He weighed 5 lbs. 13 oz. and was 19 inches long. Solomon came a little earlier than expected (3 weeks), but all is well with baby and mommy. Scott and Julia are adjusting well to having a little one in the house. We are looking forward to seeing Solomon at Christmas when we visit NC. Isn't he the cutest baby boy you have ever seen!!! (Aunt Tara).
Well I hope you have enjoyed this extended version of blogging. Check back to our flicker page in the next few days for pics from the Turkey Shoot fest, Big House and our recent Tree adventure.
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Its Tryptophan Time in Tennessee!!!
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Technology man, new jobs and Safes
The last month or so has truly been an interesting experience. As many of you know i have been taking unpaid vacation time for the last month (aka jobless). Alot of that time has been spent soul searching trying to discern where God would have me go to take a job. All of those options spanned from the Virgin Islands, the national guard, Indian reservations, and beachfront NC living. Many of you also know that i am not the most computer smart guy, but the last few weeks i have found my self updating pics to the fbc webpage, burning dvds, and toying with pics in photoshop. it looks like my days of nothingness will be over soon. I am going to start training on Dr. Webbs electronic medical records and will soon start doing 2-3 days of work for him and hopefully fall into a position in about a year that will pay off my student loans. It will be good to be back in the saddle again and hopefully save Christmas for all the little boys and girls at the Heady home (well at least two grown kids). Yesterday i found myself in another situation saying "this could be bad boys" aka Moving Jones 10 ton safe. I will let you check out BJ and Rhino's blog for all the details. Needless to say it was a fun experience. Looking forward to national bird day and all the yummy goodness that it brings. I'm also looking forward to hopefully doing some bird eating and skeet shooting with our good friend bignate. I was browsing Youtube today and found a few good videos. I thought this one was kind of funny in light of our upcoming shooting festival. It could be any of us in a few years....
Well, i will go for now. Check out our picture page. I'm slowing working my way up to being up to date. One year ago yesterday, me and my beautiful wife were engaged. So check out our pics of that fun day.
Well, i will go for now. Check out our picture page. I'm slowing working my way up to being up to date. One year ago yesterday, me and my beautiful wife were engaged. So check out our pics of that fun day.
Sunday, November 4, 2007
Hello World!
um...hello? is this thing on? hah. well hello all you little blogger kids. I have caved in to all the technologically advanced nerd friends that i have and decided to start my own blog. I know i have big shoes to fill following bignates bird cam, rhino's fair horn, and BJ's minute by minute account of his air force adventures. Who knows, i could have an up and running camera going of the church parking lot so i could share all my window perch excitement. Hopefully i shall have pictures soon to show you the adventures of me and my lovely wife. It shall be fun...but don't take my word for it.
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