Thursday, July 24, 2008

We Are Alive!!

Its good to be back with you all here in cyber land. Unlike other times in the past my absence from blogging has not been by laziness but reliance on an oh so heavenly WiFi connection. The internet has not been available here at the ole Heady household in probably a month but magically it came back yesterday stronger than ever. So i will update you on all that is going on with us since the last time i wrote.... I'm still working more than I would like but work life is good. There are many days where i feel like i'm in a good medical groove and I actually do know a few things about what people need. I occasionally still get that weird new deer walking feeling that makes me uneasy somedays. I'm anxiously awaiting some time off at the first of August which will be a great relaxer. Tara is doing great. She is still slowly taking over Ben Lomand one day at a time. She will soon be registering for classes which she should have done 2 months ago. I think her classes start in late August. For all of you Non-Sparta kids she is sporting a new hair cut that is quite nice. She got it cut short about three weeks ago and it looks really pretty. At least now i don't have to hear "ugh this hair is so hot" Our kitties Scofield and Nala have grown to actually look like real cats. They are really a mess. We had one close call with Nala running away last week but for the most part they have been pretty good about staying around. I didn't expect to like them this much but they really are fun to play with and watch them interact with each other. I see the wonders of Gods human creations everyday but often I find myself watching these cats and saying "Wow! these are really pretty intelligent creatures and God is so neat" For the most part they live normal little kitty lives. Occasionally after long naps they switch over to what we have coined "Crack Kitty" mode. Scofield will lay his ears back and get this weird gleam in his eye and he is off to the races....climbing on chairs, running and jumping up the wall. It is sometimes more fun than any HD program.
On a more serious most of you know since the last time I wrote We found ourselves in the awful place of saying goodbye to another family member and friend Crystal Hutchings. We all know Crystal didn't really die but ultimately just began living....True life... I must admit it doesn't seem real. There will forever be etched in my mind a few memories from the funeral day. One of those only a handfull of people saw but truely ripped my heart out. As the funeral ended there was a little bit of a delay till they moved her to the gravesite...Most people left and only a few people remained. All other 6 kids had already been swept up by MiMi but Daniel was left standing alone...under the tent with steve as they brushed some dirt off her casket before closing the vault. As he stood alone at the age 10 or so it was as if he was transformed into a man. So many responsibilities were ahead of him and so many things he would have to deal with that he doesn't even know about yet. I'm not sure if I will ever see anything more heartbreaking but I know great things are ahead for those Hutchings kids.
On a final note, I mentioned our vacation. The first week of August we will be heading to Jekyll Island ,GA for a week of life on the beach. We will end our journey with hopefully a few days in South Carolina with my cousin Jon and his wife heather. Hopefully we will get some good fresh shrimp and even catch a shark or two off his boat.