Hello My friends! Well as we enter the Dog Days of summer the Reign of Cats has entered the Heady house. Yes, I know its quite the surprise for those of you who know me personally. I have never been the cat lover but my beautiful wife has beaten me into submission and subsequently Two cats have arrived at our house. They were compliments of the Other Heady house hold. I think Ryan was giggling as we carted off two from his fold. I like the kittens the size and personality they are right now. Its when they become old,large,clingy and annoying that turns me away from the feelings towards the felines. The first night has went well so far. Tara is all smiles and the two are snoozing in out kitchen floor right now. They have showed no signs of shock so far. The gold/yellow one is

quite the curious cat...he played with tara most of the night but the other one is a party pooper and has just slept after eating. This brings us to the obvious question...What are their names? Well, right now their birth certificates just show baby boy and baby girl Heady. Thats where we need the faithful readers to give us suggestions for their names. For you Prison break lovers, Schofield and Linc are in the running for the boy name and Tancredi or variation is in the running for the lady. So if you have a favorite please let us know. Well I just wanted to share the newest additions to our family.