Well I once again find myself 2-3 weeks from my last post. I appreciate your patience. The last year has been a fun ride. Tara and I celebrated our 1 year anniversary yesterday!!! I have always heard from so many people "oh the first year is the hardest, If you don't kill each other you will be good" Well I can honestly say the first year has been a breeze. Sure we had our moments but those moments were like a passing breeze. It really has been a great and memorable year. We spent most of our dating life 5.5 hours apart so we had so many things to learn from just being around each other every day. Tara truly is fun to be around all the time. We are always giggling like school girls and I never feel out of place no matter where we are at as long as she is with me. Over the last year I have watched more "flip this house" "Diners Drive ins and Dives" and other various Food Network/HGTV shows than i probably would have ever watched in my life but it has been traded off with many Golf afternoons and action movies. I know this sounds crazy but our anniversary kind of snuck up on us. I have been working more than i would like and sometimes planning is not our strong point. We found ourselves not really having any plans and too late to make any big plans over the memorial day weekend. So after chilling for most of the weekend we jetted to
Evins Mill in Smithville for a nice getaway. You can see above we happened to run into our friends the Musical Frogs who were performing outside the mill. We basically had the place to ourselves seeing how there was only one other couple there. After a nice supper we settled down in our room to watch our wedding video and engage in the ceremony of eating the wedding cake on 1 year anniversary. I will say i was quite skeptical about the adventure and it ended up living up to our expectations. It was mostly just dry cake with hard icing that tasted like it had been frozen for a year. Tuesday morning we slept late and then headed to one of the main attractions on the Ground of Carmac Falls. The waterfall is beautiful and has a fall of about 100 feet. It was a nice end to a nice peaceful get away. I must say as we enter the summer months i have been quite excited for the many possibilities of long weekends and only part time hours. Well unfortunately those plans have changed and I will find myself inside working many more hours than i was wanting. Its okay though because I'm being able to step in and fill a gap

that I know God knew was going to happen. One of the Nurse Practitioners on our team has been diagnosed with a serious medical condition and will be on leave for about 2 months. So please pray for him if you remember. His name is Daniel. So hopefully we will be able to slip away for a few days here and there and enjoy the summer sun. Well hopefully this gave you a nice glimpse of whats been going on with us. This picture to the left is of us with the beautiful Carmac falls in the background where we hiked this morning. I will hopefully have all the other pictures on our flicker page real soon.